(06 09 22) Dennis Franklyn Cromarty Client Unit Installed


A client unit was installed at DFC facilitating video conferencing and data for the school's operations. The high school interacts with Northern communities through its education program. Dan Gaudette from the NNEC technical department was present to assist with the install.  

(06 09 19) NAN Client Unit Installed

<photos>The NAN client unit was installed providing video conferencing and internet service at the NAN admin building in Victoria Ville Mall. NAN uses V/C to conduct business throughout the North. 

(06 08 24) Metis Nation of Ontario Client Unit Installed

(06 08 16) Trenching and Conduit from NOTC to Brauhn Building


Expertec has completed trenching and laying conduit to connect 24 strand fiber from the NOTC building on Balmoral St. to the Meet-Me switch Room in the Brauhn Building. Future work includes pulling the fiber, terminating the fiber, and connecting the Meet-Me switch to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

(06 07 26) Omni Access Point Installed

(06 07 04) FedNor Client Unit Installed

<photos>The KORI Team installed the Aperto Client Unit for the FedNor Office. It supplies connectivity for a demonstration video conferencing unit. 

(06 06 01) NNEC Client Unit Installed


The KORI Team worked with Superior Wireless and NAN to install the Aperto Client Unit for the NNEC Office. Currently, the client unit supplies connectivity from the King's Stereo Tower to the access point at Academy Towers, then on to clients such as KO Thunder Bay, FedNor, NAN Legal and Matawa Tribal Council. Once the Kings Stereo Tower is decommissioned, the client unit will serve only the single office via Academy Towers.

(06 05 31) KO Thunder Bay Office Client Unit Installed

<photos>The KORI Team worked with Superior Wireless and NAN to install the Aperto Client Unit for the office building on 216 S. Algoma St. It is the first of over a dozen installations that the team will complete over the next months. After a few minor adjustments, connectivity is reliable. KO thunder Bay shares a connection with Wawatay News, which is a tenant in the building. 

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