
Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Kuhkenah Network (K-Net) is working with its partners in the Thunder Bay area to strengthen and further develop the local Nishnawbe Aski Nation Tsunami Wireless Network. KO, working with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Lakehead University, received funding from Industry Canada's FedNor program to construct a common meet-me site at Lakehead University where regional networks and local organizations can share routes to be able to access a direct connection between local partners and remote First Nation communities. K-Net is a managed network that provides broadband internet service for applications such as video conferencing, IP telephony and data with Quality of Service (QOS) allowing clients to prioritize traffic. It is an alternative to the public internet that is able to provide users with the bandwidth required to deliver a variety of applications (for example telehealth and e-learning opportunities), between local service agencies and remote Aboriginal communities and organizations.