KORI Community Stories and Events

KO was well represented at the Digital Ontario conference hosted by the Snowden Programme at the University of Guelph… K-Net’s business manager Penny Carpenter, KO Tele-Medicine’s Gibbet Stevens and KORI’s Brian Walmark joined academics, funders and community practitioners to share best practices with officials with the Ontario Government who...

Geordi Kakepetum and his education team gathered at the Thunder Bay office to participate in a video conference linking all of the KO education directors today... The directors were briefed on the latest developments in the creation of a KO Board of Education... Goyce Kakegamic who has been visiting the KO communities to gather feedback on the...

KORI staff are juggling three events here at Thunder Bay's KO offices... Geordi Kakepetum and his education team are working in the Chiefs' boardroom preparing for tomorrow's meeting of the Education Directors... In the main work area, local women including Orpah McKenzie are participating in the First Nations Women's Leadership conference......


KORI's Brian Walmark participated in the inaugural meeting of the ONe-Health Information Network, a gathering of the LHINs in the Northeast and Northwest, the hospitals and community health organizations... The main goal of the group is to implement the Northern Ontario e-Health Tachnical Plan... The participants were briefed on the new e-...

KO's Brian Walmark has been appointed to the ONe-Health Steering Committee... "This committee will provide a vehicle for KO to raise issues and build bridges with the provincial health network to improve health access through telehealth in the north," he said.        For more information about the process, click...

KORI’s Brian Walmark has been preparing today for the inaugural meeting of the ONe-Health network which is meeting on Friday in Toronto… Brian has consulted with KOTM’s Donna Williams and K-Net’s Brian Beaton to discuss some of the goals and objectives that the North needs to realize as a result of this gathering… As part of this process, KOTM...

(08 01 14) Preparations continue for the community visit of NRC's Susan O'Donnell and her VideoCom team who will be coming up north ... This is one of a series of commmunity visists that KORI will be involved with over the next month and a half including work with KOTM and its community visit with Fort Severn and Franz and the CWIRP project...

First week back to work,  still getting use to "blog", we also submit daily journals in the YICT moodle website but I record my entries and submit them at the end of the week. Spent most of this week on my Cisco IT Essentials Modules and the slide presentation.


(08 01 11) The NIXON partners took time away from their work to draft a partnership agreement to manage and share the public benefit, additional bandwidth available for the sat-served communties in northern Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba to talk about research opportunities... KO, KTC and KRG took the first steps to coordinate research efforts to...