brianwalmark's blog

Exciting Research Opportunites

(08 01 11) For the past three days, KORI staff participated both face-to-face and on-line with representatives of NIXON, the consortium of three Aboriginal organizations in northern Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba that came together to access more bandwidth for the sat-served communities through the public benefit... The goal of the research component is to develop research capacitcy at the community level across the provincial norths ... Michael Gurstein, an academic leader in community informatics has been contracted to mentor this process... He plans to visit the NIXON partners over the next few months as the research process is developed...

NICSN meeting includes Research opportunities for KORI

(08 01 08) Members of the NICSN project including K-Net as well as members from Northern Manitoba and Northern Quebec are gathering to discuss the next phase of the agreement to create a bigger pipe for sat-served communities in the north... Brian Beaton has invited KORI to participate in the development of a research component for this project... I will be participating face to face while Franz will be on-line... I will be returning to Thunder Bay in time to participate in the KOTM Change Management PAC meeting on Thursday morning...

Happy New Year from KORI

(08 01 07) Another new year and more and more activities to watch for from KORI... This year the KORI staff have been directed to document their activities in a format easy for the Chiefs, the communities and the other KO staffers to review... Each KORI staffer will take a few minutes each day and share their work with you... I encourage you to visit their pages...

Watch for a number of projects such as the Smoking Cessessation Project that KORI has partnered with KO Health and NOSM... Other projects include: the UN-sponsored First Nations management and control of natural resources forum, the KiHS evaluation with Terry Anderson of Athabasca University and the SSHRC research project with our partners at the Lakehead University Faculty of Education... as well as the Safer Community Initiative and the Breast Cancer Awareness project to name only a few...

K-Net realigns satellite dishes across the north

By Rick Garrick

Introducing Martine Kanakakeesic, KORI’s new researcher

By Rick Garrick


North Caribou Lake’s Martine Kanakakeesic still remembers how surprised the Elders in her community were during their first Telehealth examinations.